Here is my article on Dog Boots.
Often dog’s front paws are a full size larger than their back paws.
With the harder material dog boots I will buy a size for each, which is ideal because it gives you two complete pairs in case one pair is wet/damaged you have a spare set.
Be sure the boots are of good quality materials and proper fit, think of how we feel when shoes don’t fit us well.
There are several good reasons to train your dog to wear boots on their paws.
-Dog boots will help prevent paws from getting snowballs in the fur between the toes and pad.
-They will give paw’s some protection from the extreme cold while walking on ice.
Salt used on the roads can quickly dry pads so they crack and split causing open wounds.
Ice can also be sharp and cut a dog’s pads.
-Provide a barrier between paws and hot pavement or sand.
-Create safer footing on areas where sharp debris are a hazard.
- Keeping the dog’s paws themselves and inside the house cleaner.
Having a dog already conditioned to wearing something on their paws will be very beneficial if they happen to get an injury, and need their paw bandaged.
-Use lots of praise and high grade treats like deli meat as rewards.
-Do your training before the dog normally eats their daily meal, hungry dogs are more happy to cooperate.
-You can start practicing with loose human socks before the dog boots if necessary to get the dog accustomed to them.
-If needed break down this first step to handling the paw, the boot just touching the paw, half way on and remove, fully on and remove - rewarding with praise and a piece of food after each action.
Take one front paw and put the boot on,reward, walk the dog around, praise and reward.
Put second boot on other front paw, same sequence as above.
Put third boot on one back paw, same sequence as above.
Put last boot on remaining paw, same sequence as above.
Remove the boots at regular intervals to make sure they are not rubbing on the dog’s dew claws or paws. Dew claws can be wrapped loosely with Vet wrap if needed before putting boots on to help prevent rubbing. Human toddler’s socks can also be used inside the boots, wrap the top with two strips of velcro to secure.
My preferred brand of Winter dog boots are sled dog booties sold by “Mountain Ridge”. Kenji is wearing a set of orange ones in the photo, they make different colors and styles. Their Velcro has elasticity and holds well. If going in deep snow I recommend lightly covering the velcro with electrical tape, leave a short tab of tape flipped over at the end for easier removal.
Warm weather paw protection should be of breathable material, because dog’s sweat through their pads. Summer time on hot pavement Kenji wears the “Hipaw Summer Breathable Dog Boot”, sold on Amazon.
For pad protection I use and recommend Musher’s Secret, which is a highly effective wax based formula, and non-toxic. Rub thoroughly into the areas between and over the pad and toes.
I coat the dew claw toes as well to keep them soft and pliable. Used as needed year round.
More articles on dog training and care are available at my link below, the site is open to the public and free of charge.❤️🐺❤️
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