Here is my article on Dog to Dog Reactivity .

There are very few true red zone dog aggressive dogs, who want nothing more than to kill another dog.  

Most aggression in dogs is actually fear based, and dogs who show aggression towards another dog are usually being reactive- having learned their behavior makes the threat go away.  

Adding consistent daily structure, and counter conditioning by giving the dog other options are often very effective in helping the majority of dog reactive dogs lead more balanced, happier lives. 

Dogs don’t “need” to directly meet dogs from other households. 
Many dogs are just not comfortable engaging with strange dogs. 
Co-existing calmly around other dogs is all that should ever be expected. 

Dogs only have fight, flight, fidget, or freeze as responses to a fearful situation.
If a dog is on a leash it cannot run- leaving their only choices of freeze or fidget, with the hope that the threat stops/retreats - or the fight option if they don’t.  
Dogs learn very quickly to do what benefits them, and then it often becomes a habit.

Reactive dogs can get socialized by just being around other dogs in a safe, controlled manner.  Structured walks are excellent for this. I have a great article on Structured Walks, with many easy to understand training tips to help you achieve your goal.

ADVOCATE for your dog, keep them safe- this is so very important. 
Often once the dog learns their human is advocating for them, much of the reactivity stops.

Reward the dog for good behavior - for the dog just sitting there being calm during distractions.   It will pay back threefold.  Both calm praise and food are valuable rewards.  

Learn how to protect yourself and your leashed dog from loose dogs when out for a walk.  
It’s my hope that in giving people some ideas and options they will be better prepared in the unfortunate event that they are faced with this situation.   Please see my article on Deterrents For Aggressive Loose Dogs for more information. 

Train your reactive dog to get behind you when a loose dog approaches. Many loose dogs will attack another dog, but are very reluctant to attack a human.  Taking your own dog out of the equation will help immensely.

Train your reactive dog the verbal OUT command, which is to completely disengage from whatever is in their mouths, or whatever they are looking at. This is an excellent command for dogs who resource guard as well.  I have an article at my site which explains how to easily train this using lures and tug toys. 

Training TOUCH (to a hand) is also a very helpful command, as a redirection away from another dog.  I use a clicker to train this, every click indicates to the dog they have done well, and will be rewarded with a piece of their food.  

I recommend using ALL the reactive dog’s daily meals as rewards for training, and good behavior.  Hand feeding gives “ value” to the human from the dogs point of view, instead of giving “value “ to the dog bowl.  It helps the dog focus on the handler instead of being distracted, this is a huge advantage in our favor. 

Training your reactive dog a few impulse control exercises like the PLACE command will help with bonding, and keeping your leadership position in the household. 
I have a detailed article on how to train PLACE. 

If it is necessary for a reactive dog to actually directly interact with a strange dog, as in adding another dog to your household - I have a very detailed article on “Acquainting Two Dogs” at my site, which has many suggestions for different situations.

If you do choose to let your reactive dog directly interact- choose one healthy, mentally well balanced dog for your dog to spend time with. You can often build more dog friends off that.  Sometimes dogs will feel less threatened by a smaller, well balanced dog at first.
Good play involves both dogs enjoying the play- no bullying is allowed, ever. 

More dog training articles like Fear Aggression, Bite Prevention, Adolescent to Adult- Dog Training Solutions, and Muzzle Conditioning, are on my links below.  The sites are open to the public, and free of charge. ❤️🐺❤️

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Introduction to All Basics-Dog Training

Introduction to All Basics-Dog Training

⚜️⚜️⚜️🐺⚜️⚜️⚜️ Need help training your puppy? Need help with your reactive dog? Here’s what people are saying about All Basics- Dog Training...

Introduction to All Basics-Dog Training